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Quantum RMA


Quantum RMA(1): $85


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Quantum RMA

The subject of alimentary toxemia was discussed in London nearly 80 years ago, before the Royal 'Society of Medicine by fifty-seven of the leading physicians of Great Britain. Among the speakers were eminent surgeons, physicians and specialists in the various branches of medicine. The following is a list of the various poisons noted by the several speakers: indol, skatol, phenol, cresol, indican, sulphurretted hydrogen, ammonia, histidine, indican, urrobilin, methyImercaptan, tetramerhylendiamin, pentamethyiendiamine, putreacin, cadaverin, neurin, coolin, muscarine, butyric acid, beraimidazzolethy-lamine, methylgandinine, ptomarropinene, botulin, tyramine, agamatine, tryptophane, sepsin, Idolehtylaymine, and sulpherroglobine. Of the 36 poisons mentioned above, several are highly active, producing most profound effects, and in very small quantities. In cases of alimentary toxemia, some one or several of these poisons is constantly bathing the delicate body cells and setting up charges, which result in grave disease. There are now available some tests to check if someone has one or several of those; they are:

1. PCR

2. Indole/Skatole

3. Indican/Skatole

4. Sulfafloc

5. Microalbuminurialproteinuria

6. Calcium

7. CCR

     1. Putrechrome Reaction (PCR): for the detection oftoxic phenol (ethereal) species, putrefactive ketones, putrescine, cadaverine, and    acetoacetic acid. The toxic effects of putrefactive bacteria cannot be underestimated. Thioether, and ethereal organic sulfide, is a decidedly toxic creature.

The ethereal sulphates are conjoined with aromatic substances belonging to the oxy-group, most important of which are the salts of phenol, indoxyl, and skatoxyl As a rule their amounts vary with degrees of intestinal putrefaction and hence this serves not only as a diagnostic link but helps to figure the index of intensity.

There are certain conditions in which a relative increase or an absolute decrease of total sulphates occurs. These should be remembered as sulphate excretion is increased in practically all febrile states, pneumonia, acute myeitis~ leukemia, diabetes mellitus~ carcinoma, progressive muscular atrophy, and some types of the most difficult eczemas. The conjugate sulphates may be noticed in intestinal toxemia as markedly increased~ as well as carcinoma (increased) volwlus (increased), chronic nephritis (increased)~ and obstructive jaundice (increased).

     2. Indole/Skatole: Products of intestinal putrefaction Indole is formed in the degradation of tryptophan. It occurs naturally in human feces and has an intense fecal smell. Tryptophan is first converted to indole, then to indican by bacteria in the gut. Indican is then excreted into the urine and from there into the diaper. Skatole is formed in the intestine by the bacterial decomposition ofLtrytophan and found in fuca1 matter, to which it imparts its characteristic odor. Skatole has been shown to cause pulmonary edema in goats, sheep, rats, and some strains of mice. It appears to selectively target Clara cells, which are the major site of cytochrome P450 enzymes in the lungs. These enzymes convert skatole to a reactive intermediate~ 3-methyleneidolerine, which damages cells by forming protein adducts. In a 1994 report released by five top cigarette companies, skatole was listed as one of the 599 additives to cigarettes as a flavoring ingredient. Its name is derived from skato, the Greek word for dung. Sweet!

     3. Indican/Skatole: indicative, when in quantity, of protein putrefaction in the intestine (indicanuria).

     4. Sulfafloc: For the detection of ethereal sulfates representing the highly toxic species like methylmercaptan and other thioethers due to h'beration of bacteria found in the oral cavity and large bowel.

     5. Microalbuminuria proteinuria: a highly sensitive test for the detection of slight amounts of albumin, a known harbinger for pre-renal failure, and nephron damage by diabetes mellitus and hypertension and detection ofproteids because of Leaky Gut Syndrome.

     6. Calcium Test: Useful for detection of calcium dumping syndrome. Urine when containing high amounts of sodium ions along with calcium indicates a negative calcium balance, especially in BAD (basic American diet) dietary, interstitial acidosis, and post-menopausal states.

     7. Carcinochrome Reaction (CCR): for the detection of pep tides in urine known to be associated with the pre-cancerous state. Imagine, a urine test that points very early on to the cancer diathesis.

Cancer diagnosis today centers on radiology and tumor markers. Tumor markers are substances that can be detected in higher-than-normal amounts in the blood or body tissues of some patients with certain types of cancer. A tumor marker may be made by a tumor itself or by the body in response to the tumor. Such a substance serves to "mark" the tumor; it is a "tumor marker."

But, of course, however, by the time a doctor finds a positive tumor marker, it is generally already too late and te opportunity for prevention has long passed.

The carcinochrome reaction according to GUTSCHMIDT, among others, is an early detection test for the prediction of cancer. It is a urine test based on the difference between cancer and normal metabolism, the food products are normally oxidized to carbon dioxide, ammonia, and water. In abnormal metabolism, the intermediary products of digestion are not fully utilized. Diabetics, as we know, cannot fully utilize glucose; therefore it spills into the urine. Patients with jaundice will spill bile into the urine due to inflammation of the liver. Females with an inflamed cervix will display abnormal cells called dyspleasia (abnormal tissue development) as seen on the PAP test.

Cells, in a precancerous stage, will start spilling odd proteins into the blood which spill through the kidneys and appear in the urine. This is an important and vital feature. These odd proteins are actually peptides of small molecular size, small enough to pass through the kidneys into the urine.